Okay, I'm not going to debate the existence of cellulite (properly pronounced cell-u-leet); I've seen my thighs; there's something there, and I'm going to call it cellulite and it exists because I can see it! So many rumours - so little real information about "orange-peel" skin.
I don't know that it gets rid of cellulite, but I do love this gel by Clarins - very refreshing although expensive.
- Cellulite is the result of toxins under the skin. Maybe, maybe not - how in the world are you going to find out?
- Cellulite is genetic. Maybe, I do know this: I've seen really fat people with no cellulite whatsover - even in women overweight and well over 30. I've seen thin twenty-two year olds with cellulite. I had it when I was very thin (one could even say skinny - I used to drink milk shakes in an attempt to gain weight - yeah, I'm paying for it now!)
- Creams and gels will fix cellulite. Well, they may help your skin to look better, but if you think that it will really get rid of cellulite, you also believe that there are lotions that will increase your cup size from an A to a C.
- Bubbly drinks (carbonated) including sparkling water will cause cellulite. Who knows? Who cares?
- Eat a well-balanced, junk-free diet
- Exercise
ADDED NOTE: I received a comment about cellulite from the New York Day Spa, and checked out their very nice blog. I believe that there is a link to it in the comment - I recommend it. Donnachloe
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Beautiful, handcrafted jewelry: Cluny Grey Jewelry
In the heart of NYC, we get a lot of clients that are obsessed with their cellulite and want the "cure".
We recently wrote an informative article about the phenomenon, and what you can do to help the look of your skin.
I was working out all the time and I just couldnt get rid of my cellulite. Well, like most people, I knew about Endermology, but I was just told about this new one at my spa that is endermology but it is much smaller but has the same attachments. Its called the E-6. So I started the treatments on my things, stomach, and bum and not only is it getting rid of my cellulite but I am actually loosing inches too! My body really looks amazing! Anyway, if you want Endermologie, check out some spas and see if they do the E-6 treatments. Less expensive than the doctors office too.
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