I have extremely dry skin (on my body - my face is slightly different). In fact, my skin has a condition known as ichthysosis (the ichthys from fish) which basically means fish-scale skin. And if left alone, it would look very much like fish scales. Luckily my case is not as severe as it could be, but it still makes finding the right lotions and creams a challenge.Of course, I love, absolutely love, Aveeno lotion. It is the cream that I use on my face - the only cream, and I've used it for years (I've received many compliments on my complexion which is rather porcelain-like; I attribute the complexion to Aveeno and to good sunscreens). However, finding a good body lotion/cream is a different matter. I seem to need to rotate creams in order for them to remain effective. The body butters from The Body Shop and Bath and Body Works are some of my favorite concoctions (I loved the ones with grapeseed and with pumpkin, both of which are now discontinued), but I've found a wonderful alternative.The Wildflower & Thyme Company in Waterloo, Illinois makes a cream to die for! This body cream supplies just what my skin is hungry for: grapeseed oil, jojoba oil (my two favorites), avocado oil, Vitamin E, aloevera, and other goodies for your parched skin. And best of all, the nice people will scent your cream with your choice of fragrance: LAVENDER/ROSEMARY, PATCHOULI, ROSE, VANILLA BEAN, LILAC, PEACH NECTAR, JASMINE, LEMON VERBANA, GARDENIA, CINNAMON, MUSK, TROPICAL BREEZE, CUCUMBER MELON, PEPPERMINT, HONEYSUCKLE, GRAPEFRUIT, PLUMERIA, SANDALWOOD AND BROWN SUGAR, EVERWOOD OR FRAGRANCE FREE. The Jasmine is my favorite, and it's a good strong jasmine so that the fragrance lingers.
It also isn't as greasy as many of the body butters (those with shea butter especially), and it rather inexpensive at about $1.00 an ounce.
You won't believe how great this cream is - and no, I have no affiliation whatsoever with the company. I found them one night while frantically googling for lotions with grapeseed oil and jojoba oil together.
You can e-mail them for information at wildflsoap@aol.com. At times they sell on ebay under the id cacook1. Here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/BODY-CREAM-ALOE-VERA-JOJOJBA-GRAPESEED-AVACADO-VITA-E_W0QQitemZ300249052852QQihZ020QQcategoryZ21205QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
anti aging
beauty tipswomen skin skincare dry skin skin care tanning sunless tanning lotion moisturizer complexion
I've been concentrating on other things lately and have let this blog lapse shamelessly - but now I'm back! I'm not sure that it was the discovery of good new products that have brought me out of hiding or the completely hideous fashions that I've seen everywhere lately (more on those lately), but here I am again. First new product: Not necessarily a new product, but great are two mascaras, both by Lancome. The first is Lancome's Hypnose, the one I think that I cannot live without and that will take the place of the single best mascara, Elizabeth Arden, I've ever used that was discontinued years ago. Lashes are longer; lashes are thicker; lashes are curled, and they do not have that spikey look that does not flatter older women at all. The second is Lancome's Fatale, a mascara with a funky brush that takes some getting used to, but that will probably become your favorite mascara if Hypnose is not. Stayed tuned for the next great find: a wonderful cream that moisturizes and lifts your spirits with its wonderful fragrance!fashion fashion news beauty hair women skin skincare dry skin skin care tanning sunless tanning lotion moisturizer complexion sexy hair haircare aveeno The Daily Fashion and/or Beauty Tip