Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Aging Gracefully

Pictures of me today! Why? Because at age 62, I have been trying for the first time all the creams and serums that so many people swear by.  While I don't think that any of these will keep me from aging, I am hoping that they will give me soft, smooth skin and help me age, well, gracefully.  Plus, I am having a ball trying different things!  A funny switch for someone who until the age of 59+ used only Purpose soap and Aveeno lotion on her face!
   Now, my routine has changed. No more sleeping in make-up (my huge vice - I'm so often lazy); if I don't shower before I go to bed (with my Purpose soap), I use either Neutrogena facial wipes (it takes me 2 to clean my face, then I splash with lukewarm water) or Estee Lauder's Re-Nutriv cleanser (always splashing water afterward).
   Currently, at night I am using a firming serum called Acure Organics Seriously Firming Facial Serum; afterward I apply L'Oreal's Revitalift (a drugstore, yes, drugstore purchase!).
   In the morning, I may experiment with some sort of serum, but usually I just use Estee Lauder's Daywear. It's very moisturizing, has a sunscreen, and I love the cucumber scent.  When I remember, I may use their foundation primer, but usually I just use Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Creme make-up. It  has an SPF 15 rating so I am doubling up on the sunscreen. If I do decide to go sans foundation, I always put a sunscreen on!

   I've been very happy with the results, best seen in the first picture: no retouching, no photo-shopping. I don't know how firm my skin is, but it is certainly smooth and soft!
By the way, my skin is extremely sensitive, but so far nothing has caused a break-out during experimentation except for Lauder's Swiss Performing Extract. 
   Next experiments will be with lash enhancers!

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