Thursday, February 02, 2006

Cover Your Lips

Lips are in - really in, and the bigger, the better. If you're getting older though, the skin on your lips is getting thinner and thinner - your lips are actually beginning to look thinner too (it's no accident those stars are getting their lips done; it's not just for fashion's sake but to remedy what time is beginning to erase).
So what's a girl, ahem, a woman to do?
First, use your lipstick.
Use a lipliner, but please, please use one that is close to the same colour as your lips if you're going for a more natural look, or one that is the colour of your lipstick if you're trying for something either more sophisticated or vampy. Please don't use dark brown or any colour that makes you look like your lips have been outlined like a person in a child's colouring book. The lipliner will help your lipstick stay in place - and my experience has been that even when my lipstick fades, my lipliner will still be visible - no, not outlined, but visible enough that my lips seem to keep their shape and therefore their fullness.
Line all of your lips; this means the corners also. Don't make clown lips, (this does take some skill) but you must have a line that goes all the way around your lips continuously. This isn't easy to do at first, and it is probably one thing that most women omit doing. But if you line the corners of your lips and then fill them in with your lipstick, your lips are going to look fuller, and more naturally full.
Remember that gloss is supposed to make your lips look bigger, too (but usually you'll have to keep reapplying it throughout the day).
Note: when I travel and know that I can't keep applying lipstick or when I know that I can't even carry one with me, I will actually moisturize my lips while I'm getting ready, then before I leave the house, I will use lipliner instead of lipstick! It lasts, and even in the lights of an airplane bathroom I can still see my lips!

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