Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Day of Rest?

Tomorrow is Sunday, and for many people (especially women) it's anything but a day of rest! It means getting ready for the rest of the week, and for some women that can be a lengthy and arduous task. However, you will benefit if you do something for yourself.
Take the last hour before bedtime for yourself if at all possible. Wind down by taking a bath, reading, looking through the latest magazine (that has nothing to do with your job), and spend just a little time doing a few pampering treatments.
First, after your bath (take one, even if you shower in the morning), do your nails. This can mean cleaning them, filing them, and buffing them gently, or it can mean that you do a complete manicure with basecoat, colour, and topcoat. If you can stand it, slather on vaseline and pull on some soft white cotton gloves to sleep in; your hands and your cuticles will be wonderfully soft the next morning. (White cotton gloves, you say? Okay, pull a pair of clean white cotton socks over your hands; remember this is not for everyone). If your feet regularly hurt and you stand or walk a lot during the day, you can do the same vaseline treatment for your feet (and sleep in the white cotton socks). Your feet will feel great the next day, a definite lift for many of us.
As for the manicure, having clean tidy nails and hands can go a long way in helping to rid yourself of that frazzled, "I'm not so put-together" feeling. While you don't have to use nail polish, having nice hands and nails will make you feel polished!

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