Are you guilty of any of the following? These are real beauty faux pas, not just because they affect the way you look, but also because they can cause people to form a bad impression of you.
- Chipped fingernail polish. This says that you do not pay attention to details and think that others don't either. Chipped polish can spoil the effect of the most expensive clothing.
- Chewing gum. Have you ever noticed that when an actor wants to portray someone as stupid or ignorant, lower-class or just plain "trashy", she will chew gum to get the point across. Do you chew gum? Enough said.
- Cutting your own hair. No, you can't, even if you cut other people's for a living.
- Not getting your long hair trimmed regularly. Can you say split ends? Do you realize how they look?
- Wearing too much mascara. You'll look messy and as though you have spiders sitting on your eyes. It will rub or flake off if you put enough on, no matter how good the product is.
- Wearing inappropriate shoes. Sure, they're sexy, but if you're prissing down the street in 4 inch heels with snow and ice, you will look silly.
- Not wearing lipstick (or something on your lips). Everyone needs some colour, even in their twenties. If you're over 35, you really need it, and if you're over 50, you should be shot for going out of the house without it.
- Ignoring your eyebrows. Okay, if tweezing hurts, have them waxed; they really are like frames for the face. Long unruly brows can make you look unkempt, and if you're getting older, you may need to fill in if they are thinning or some have turned grey or white.
- Dyeing your hair one too-dark colour. Natural hair is not one colour. Maybe you want to be a brunette, but ask yourself if black is the right colour. Dark brown is usually enough.
- Bleaching your hair all one colour. See item immediately above.
- Covering all your hair with colour every time you colour your grey hair. You only need to do the roots most of the time. Covering all your hair to the ends will make the lower part of your hair hold more colour and look different from the rest of your hair. It will also cause your ends to become dry and brittle.
- Ignoring the way your voice sounds. Too harsh? Too screechy? Bad, bad grammar? Do you associate any of those with being pretty or sexy? How you sound when you speak to people does matter. Pay attention to your own voice.
If you don't care how people see you or if it isn't important in your business, fine. But if you want people to think the best of you, you're going to have to pay attention to these problems!
fashion beauty hair eyebrows hair color voice mascara nail polish lipstick The Daily Fashion and/or Beauty Tip